Class of 2024 Salutatorian Speech | Kate Weber

“Hello and welcome esteemed faculty, cherished family and friends, and most importantly the Oldenburg Academy class of 2024. I would like to take a moment to thank the teachers who constantly challenged us to our limits, to thank the parents who supported their children and their faith at a Catholic high school, and to thank my classmates who completed what many consider “the best years of our lives.” We are assembled here today to celebrate the successes in and out of the classroom. During our four years we accomplished multiple sectional titles, made big strides in our academic studies, grew closer to God, revived the orchestra, created lasting friendships, and countless more achievements. Our class has come a long way from the awkward freshman we once were. Most of us changed without realizing which became evident from the freshman school photos next to the senior school photos which rotated on the welcoming tv at school and at the senior luncheon. Change is part of life and while it can be scary, it’s necessary. We’ve seen teachers change – along with the classes they teach, coaches change – most of the time for the better, and friend groups change – as some classmates left and some joined, and now it’s time for us to take a big step into our future. Reality starts now, whether we like it or not. Whether you are going to a college or university, trade school, or workforce, many changes are about to happen to your daily life. As we embrace the changes that are ahead of us, let’s not forget to look back on the many things that shaped us into the graduating seniors we are today. 

From our earliest days in school, we have looked forward to graduating. We counted the years in elementary school to when we would be in high school which felt like an eternity at the time. In middle school we looked in awe at high schoolers and could not wait to be them. Then in our freshman, sophomore, and junior years, we all expressed our excitement to be at the top as seniors. 

As we reflect on this journey, we can see our progress from three letter spelling tests to multiple page research papers, from picking grass in little league to late nights as varsity starters, from drawing stick figures to drawing portraits, and from afternoon bike rides to midnight car rides. Change is inevitable and we all experienced it in various ways and it is through this change where we have grown the most. 

Change happened in our life when we left our middle school friends and walked through the front door of Oldenburg Academy and had our first religion class with Dr. Hollowell. Little did we know we would have the opportunity to hear his son, Fr. Hollowell, give a talk during our senior year.

Change happened as we adapted to the ever changing rules that Covid-19 brought to our school.

Change happened as we tried new clubs or sports that were outside of our comfort zone especially with pickleball which quickly became a favorite to all.

Change happened as we went to our overnight retreats and spent time in prayerful adoration. Change happened as we experienced participating in our last sporting event or extracurricular activity and wished we had just a little more time. 

Change happened as we experienced all the other lasts of high school all the way to the final bell. These lasts all feel bittersweet as we are closing this chapter of the book, but we look forward to the next with excitement. 

And now as we gather here, we realize we are leaving friends who shaped and influenced our lives for the better, teachers who inspired and pushed us to be greater, and a place that has impacted us more than we will ever know. While I know the graduates are beyond the point of senioritis and are wishing for the speech to be over, I challenge you to take a moment to reflect, and see how much you have grown as a person through the knowledge you gained and the opportunities you took and experienced in just a short four years. Remember that this next chapter would not be possible without all of the challenges we faced and the highs and lows we endured. We should leave here today remembering all the successes big and small and the times we laughed, just as much as the difficult times we faced that may have caused tears and hurt. We would not have one without the other which makes the highs so much sweeter. These times and emotions are now all becoming a high school memory. 

As I mentioned earlier, we have looked forward to the day of graduation for quite some time now. So soak it in and embrace the change. As you go out into the world, make mistakes, ask questions, learn, and adapt. I have no doubt we will do great things that will positively impact and change our community and those around us. Be proud of all your accomplishments. To wrap up this speech and to emphasize the importance of each day I thought of nothing better than a bible verse that Mrs. Gregg instilled in her volleyball team, and touched on during our senior religion class, Psalm 118:24: “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Congratulations Oldenburg Academy Class of 2024!”


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